HALLOWEEN CONTESTTime is running out, don’t delay, vote today!

We’d love to have your vote! All member households are invited to help us select this year’s winners – You do not need to have been at the party to vote. Voting closes today – December 5 – at midnight. Check out the attached photos and then click this link to cast your ballot. It’s quick & easy.

https://www.surveymonkey.com/r /ballot-halloween

Thanks to all who have already voted, disregard this request if your household has voted.

SPECIAL FUNDRAISINGCanine Respirator for Fire Department

Watch for upcoming email – the fundraising on behalf of Theia and Clionda has evolved into a wonderful community project – with proceeds supporting much needed equipment for our firefighters servicing the communities closest to our dog park. Stay tuned for the full story…

ANOTHER SWCDP LOSSWe will miss you, Claire

Claire Beckley died suddenly on December 1, 2017 following an accident.  She had just returned from Southwest City Dog Park – a place she loved playing and running.  She will be missed by her owners Peggy and Phil and other family and friends.  Claire was 2.5 years old. RIP Claire.

KIDS ON PLAYGROUNDAnd other issues

Mostly, all is good on our playground – but enough reports and comments have surfaced that we feel it incumbent upon us to call the following to everyone’s attention. We ask that all of you help us keep our dog park well managed and maintained – and safe & fun for everyone. If you see these rules being broken, first, ask the offender to change behavior; second, report to SWCDP. Thank you.

Behavior – Kids

While we are happy to have children 8 and older enjoy the dog park with their family – it must be said – SWCDP is a dog park – it is for the dogs, they come first.

  • No kids inside agility without an adult – ever
  • Keep kids off the agility equipment (we have complaints of kids jumping/riding on our tunnel and other equipment. No!
  • No climbing on trees, furniture, water stations, etc.
  • No running, yelling, waving arms

Please understand not all of our 4-Legged members are comfortable around children – it is NOT a requirement for membership – so children are on the playground as a special privilege. They are visiting a playground whose sole purpose is canine exercise and socialization. It’s not fair to our dogs to put an extra burden on them or to see their equipment destroyed. And, it is a safety thing for all. We need everyone to respect this.

Behavior – Adults

Whelp, once again, we need to remind folks.

Just as we ask our canines to demonstrate some self-control – we need our humans to do the same. Please – no cursing or yelling. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their dog’s behavior. Talk calmly, work it out. The dogs usually do – so should we.

Behavior – Dogs

When there is a conflict – owners of all dogs involved – should be involved. It is not up to someone else to break up a fight or redirect energy of YOUR dog. While we do not want our members to be “helicopter parents”(let your dog work things out on his own – so he learns proper social skills) — we do expect owners to understand their dog well enough to know when things are about to escalate. That’s when you step in – and redirect his focus to avoid fights. Please don’t let your dog be a bully or playground jerk. Manners and nice play, please.


The Alternate Dog Park is used for a variety of reasons – and members should always talk to one another when more than one user is in there. With appropriate conversation – usually several dogs with similar needs can share the Alternate together. Sort it out and share. Please respect the pecking order.

  • Small dogs get top priority (25lbs, under).
  • Dogs with physical limitations, such as recovering from surgery, wearing a cone, etc.
  • Milder play style dogs, lower energy dogs who find Main too robust for their comfort level.
  • Play groups (when area is available, members can form smaller play groups of any dog sizes)
  • Time outs. Last in pecking order. If your dog has gotten overly stimulated and you need a place for a “breather” you can stop by Alternate. But – if your dog has been in a fight or really acting out – go home!

If you have a small dog – stop by during these assigned times to meet dogs in this weight class. These play dates are for dogs under 25lbs – no other dogs may use Alternate during these times. Please respect the schedule.

Saturday:   9:00am – 11:00am

Sunday:      9:00am – 11:00am

Tuesday:    6:00pm – 8:00pm

Thursday:  6:00pm – 8:00pm


Back by popular demand – 2-Leggeds and 4-Leggeds love the winter maze our maze  and it is bigger and better than previous years. But – it takes quite a pounding with so many paws and feet – and that means strong reinforcement is required. We have opted to drive rebar (with a safe curved top) into the bales to keep them from sliding around. There are no sharp edges.

  • Please do not remove rebar; if there is an issue, let us know.
  • Help us keep the maze intact – if bales slide around, push them back together; if you see big gaps, stuff some loose straw in to fill the hole.
  • Don’t take bales away from the maze until we give the ok. We want to keep the maze in its original shape until we get into March – and then we can use some of it, as needed, for ground cover.

Spread the extra bales around the grounds, as needed. Use your judgment as to when it is needed. See muddy areas – put straw down. Always best to wait until ground is moist because straw on hard ground will just blow away – and we will lose the straw.


Enjoy the shelter – good place to be when the wind is whipping across the field. Keep the bales around the benches for as long as possible – this is more wind barrier for the humans. Towards end of season, we can start using it for ground cover, as needed.

If we need to get a few more bales – we will. We are watching the supply.