You may have noticed some new signage throughout the dog park – we think it worth mentioning a few things about each. But first, a final reminder about Tuesday.
Tuesday, 9/8/20, we have additional turf work being done and will close dog park from 8:00am on Tuesday – Re-open at 6:00am on Wednesday. FOBs will be de-activated during this closed period. Cut, trim, weed and feed applications. Early birds can still get a quick visit in from 6:00-8:00 Tuesday morning – just please be gone by 8.
Tuesday – 9/8 – 9:00am til Noon
We realize many members work during this time frame – but if you have personal flexibility and are available – please consider lending a hand as we clean up grounds and tend to all of the dog park gardens. Lots of weeding and TLC required. Bring own tools. SWCDP will provide bottled water and paper yard waste bags. Remember social distancing / masks suggested but not required. No dogs allowed.
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Dog Wash Sign Fun Facts
Almost two years ago, while casually strolling through an Affton yard sale – Judi noticed a darling wooden pup propped up amongst a bunch of junk – so she wondered his story. In his early years, he was the proud face for a busy dog groomer but over the years the wood degraded, the paint faded, and someone had written pencil sketches all over his body. Who would want such a thing? Even with a lot of foot traffic – no one wanted to take him home. His future looked grim. Judi couldn’t stop thinking about him, so went back the next day – and for five bucks rescued him. Now, what to do or where to put him? |
Dog Wash
SWCDP found a forever home for this sweet pup. With a small investment for wood and paint –and several idea meetings – our Dog Wash now has a mascot – thanks to a collaborative member effort. New body needed. Thanks Bob (King) for using the old sign as a template and cutting this pooch a new, sturdier body. Face lift needed. Thanks Deb (CiCi, Rom Rom) for reviving this pup’s personality by transferring him to his new body – and for giving him a heart. Our mascot is a reminder to use the Dog Wash properly. No soaps, shampoos, or chemicals. There is no waste water system – water simply drains into the surrounding garden areas. |
Recycle Cans – Blue
Yes – SWCDP believes in recycling. That is why we provide special trash cans just for the recyclables. We have had issues with members throwing dog poop and plastic bags in these blue cans…a BIG No-No. Thank you, John (Mac), for managing our recycle efforts and taking the contents off-site to appropriate recycling center for us. General Cans – Gray or Tan We don’t believe you will find a dog park with more trash cans and bag holders than SWCDP! We make it easy for our members to keep our playground clean and poop free. Thank you, Bill (Cowboy), for hauling those big bags of stuff to the curb for us twice per week. Please use appropriate trash cans for your waste, and please, do recycle It’s up to you, members, to refill those white bag holders! |
Standard maintenance schedule Dog Park Closed on Tuesday 8:00am to Noon As needed, we may extend the hours, depending on the work being done. Occasionally, due to weather or other unexpected situations, SWCDP may need to close on a day (s) other than Tuesday. Members will receive an email alert about altered hours Contractor Protocol When contractors arrive, regardless of day, always leave dog park or use a section of dog park not being serviced by contractor. Contractors have right-of-way; they need to get in and out quickly and safely. Keep dogs away from work crew, vehicles, equipment |
Some members seem to need reminders about keeping the leash (s) with them while on the grounds. So instead of constant email reminders – now – there is a sign next to the Main Gate – as an ongoing reminder. Keep the leash with you at all times. When you need it – you will need it within seconds – no time to walk to Entry Area to retrieve it. Entry Area is place to unleash your dog prior to entering dog park – and – place to leash your dog prior to leaving dog park. A Disservice To Your 4-Legged Dogs cannot be dogs and respond as they would normally would around other dogs when they are on a leash. The leash is a restraint – it will create fear and exasperate the situation. Move through the Gangway (or other areas) with your dog off-leash Exception: After a dog fight or injury, when you have no alternative but to leash your dog and guide out of the dog park. Keep moving quickly. |