Dog Park, both Main and Alternate, will be closed for 24 hours.

We will close at 8:00am on Tuesday, October 22.

We will re-open at 8:00am on Wednesday, October 23.

SWCDP will begin a new turf care program on Tuesday.  The first phase is to begin improving our soil for future turf development. On Tuesday, the grounds will get a thorough aeration and its first fertilization application. We will use Milorganite; it is a granule.  https://www.milorganite.com/  We plan to run the sprinkler system 2-3 times beginning at completion of the application and running into the night. Time is needed to let the water and granules settle – so we will keep dog park closed for a twenty four hour period.

The grounds may still be wet at 8am on Wednesday – we will re-open at that time, but are hoping most of you will give the turf a little more quiet time. We’d love to see very little traffic on Wednesday, if at all possible. Let’s give our turf a breather.

Some may say….”why are we feeding the weeds”? Well, we don’t care about the weeds at this point. Let them have their last supper! Our focus is on improving our soil. Right now – it is all about the dirt.


More turf management info will be shared with our members as we get into the New Year – we are working out details and timelines, etc. The only things we will do between now and then are:

  • Shut off Water Stations 2, 3, 4 (Nov 7)
  • Open Water Station 1 (Nov 7)
  • Disperse straw to cover muddy spots (Mid-late Nov)
  • Put up Winter Shelter in Main (Late Nov)
  • Put up large climbing straw maze in Main (Late Nov)



Get creative! Or not!

  • Variety of games and contests for 4-Leggeds & 2-Leggeds
  • Lunch on Us for 2-Leggeds
  • Fantastic prizes – 12 winners
    • Costume Contest, 4-Leggeds
    • Cupcake Contest, 2-Leggeds
    • Guessing Games
    • Attendance Drawings


We still need helpers, tables, & tents to pull this whole thing off


Click link above to sign up as a volunteer or contact us directly if you have a table or tent to loan.


The Halloween event is multi-faceted and has so much activity packed into five hours – that it is our greatest volunteer need of the year. We simply cannot produce this event without a solid volunteer base.

Thanks to the few who have already signed up – but we need more.  Check out the volunteer link to review the task variety and give us as many time slots as you are available – and you will be assigned your 2 hour slot when we create the Master Volunteer Schedule. We also desperately need to borrow tables of all sizes and pop up tents. Tents and tables should be dropped to Alternate Dog Park on Friday (11/1), as early as possible but definitely before 10pm. We hope to set up tables late Friday afternoon.

Hope to see you all at the event. Remember – there is plenty to do even if Halloween is not your thing…come and make new friends and visit your regular pals, too.