Hi Dog Park Members
We really need volunteer help to get back on top of our gardens. With so much rain and then a direct dive into intense heat and humidity – we have not been able to get into a good rhythm with taking care of our gardens.
Since SWCDP original sponsor, SNA (Southampton Neighborhood Association) is having their picnic at the pavilion on Sunday – we sure would like to get our dog park back in shape before their event – it looked so lovely a month ago! We are also working on a Master Plan regarding the turf, but more on that in a couple weeks or so…under development now.
To beat the heat – we have TWO WORK SESSIONS scheduled. Please come as you are available. Work will include pulling weeds mostly, and some minor other tasks. Bring your own garden tools. No heavy lifting – this is more detail work.
THURSDAY (7/11) 8:00am to 10:00am SATURDAY (7/13) 8:00am to 10:00am
Let’s hope our work sessions are not rained out.
Arf, Arf