Thursday, February 20 – 6:30pm to 9:00pm
SWCDP Volunteers – you know who you are
Anyone who has helped with dog park tasks – whether solo or on a work crew – helping out with any ongoing or one-time maintenance or repair, a dog park event or garden care, or special project or administrative function – YOU (and a guest) are invited. Dinner reservations will be required – watch for event details coming later this week.
Season Closing
Only 9 more weeks for our dog park season. Tentative closing date: 10:00pm Sunday, March 29. Watch for emails with more info regarding prep for closing and plans for next season.
Your SWCDP FOB — Keep your FOB
Your FOB is intended for use for the life of your membership – you will use your assigned FOB for next season as well as future seasons. This is YOUR FOB. Any returning members who require a new FOB (because they lost it or threw it away) will be charged a $25.00 replacement fee in addition to the regular season fee. At 10pm on the official season closing date, all FOBs will be de-activated. Those who register and pay for the 2020-2021 season, will have their FOB re-activated for the new season.
This is very important – please hang on to your FOB during our two month renovation period.
Yeah – you know what is coming…Pick up the poop, please!
We ask that you all – daytime and nighttime folks – make a greater effort to pick up after your canine. Let’s all pitch in…none of us want to drag feces into our cars and homes or have our dogs licking poop paws! Why not plan to pick up a couple piles each time you visit, whether it is your dog’s poop or someone else’s.
If you think you could have missed your dog’s poop – just pick up another pile of poop instead. The back part of the park is especially neglected. We realize there is an additional issue with visiting at night as it is more difficult to see your dog pooping or finding it afterwards when it is dark outside. And we have even longer dark periods during the winter months.
Straw and Mud
We are aware that the grounds are muddy after rainy periods and that our original straw supply has been exhausted in several areas.
Main Playground
A small supply of straw should arrive later this week or early next week. We ask members to help out by scattering it in the most muddy areas.
Alternate Playground
If straw is needed in the Alternate area – we are far enough into the season for us to start taking some of the bales from the climbing maze to scatter in Alternate.
Climbing Maze in Main Playground
Due to complications with large-scale straw purchase we did not put up our beloved climbing maze in the Main this year. Regarding this – winter 2020 was going to be our last year for the maze as we know it regardless of this news. We are looking into a permanent version so that our dogs may enjoy year round instead of only a few months per season. Watch for more info on this topic in future emails.