Related to Permanent Maze
Miss the maze?
- Tire
- Tunnel obstacle over ramp
- Dog Run underneath
- Anything durable – high enough for dogs to climb and get down safely
- Hideaway/cave underneath
- Put hay bales on platform (maybe already covered – great idea)
- Maze – anything that easy to clean
- Use plastic for material so doesn’t rot
- Multiple tunnels, draw bridge
- Use recycled plastic wood as materials
- Tunnel, ramp
- Place in middle of Main
* Members also want a permanent maze in the Alternate Dog Park for small dog usage
Related to Turf and Grounds
- Walkway for humans for when park is muddy
- Long lasting turf solution
- Grass grass grass
- Turf – pet safe mulch, not so muddy
- Close park when it rains too much – to save turf
- Section muddy areas off to grow grass – rotate it
- A way to keep bacteria down
- Dirt mounds – add hill areas
- Gravel, sand, mulch – walk way to exit – clean paws on way out
- Sand Pit – maybe around water area or climbing area; like a litter box, absorbs moisture, easy pool cleaning
- Privacy fence along RiverDesPeres
Alternate Dog Park
- Pool area in small dog park, rocks, drainage
- Shelter / pavilion in small dog park
- New chairs & wind shelter for small dog park
- Human water fountain
- Cans filled with pennies, and “oars” to help with dog fights
- Initiation / Training for new members
- Shoe cleaners for when you step in doodoo
- More benches, more covered seating
- Expand the park – no one uses ball field, soccer field – Fight the City for more space. More space!
- Water feature of some kind
- Shade awnings
- More green space
- Permanent pavilion
- Expand agility; More lighting by agility
- Permanent shelter that is taller
- Electrical outlets in pavilion for space heaters
- An app that shows members who is at park (some dogs don’t play well together, don’t get along) – allow owners to choose best time to go
- An app telling conditions daily of grounds
- Happy hour nights
- Seniors Night (older dogs, older people) Monthly
- Dog Prom – dresses and tuxes
- Dog Park Trivia Night
- Facebook page
- Dog wedding
- Dog Treat Bake Sale
- Transparency of funds
- Game / trail camera – live video feed of park – satellite data plan
Mechanical rabbit – run across top of fence – dogs chase it