SWCDP brought back Agility in a big way. We held a two day event in July, braved the heat and rain, and had a fantastic turnout. Many dogs and humans experienced agility for the first time. It was exciting. See our proud classmates below.
Southwest City Dog Park is fortunate to have a long-time member, Betsy Boedeker, who is very enthusiastic about agility and has offered her training expertise to our members for the past several years. Except for the recent pandemic period, SWCDP has provided free Agility Demo and special Tutoring classes at deeply discounted fees to our members for several years.
Again, this year, following the Demo success – we will offer a four week Tutoring class beginning on September 25. Details to follow the class photos.
The special tutoring classes are for beginners. Previous experience is not required. Dogs with limited experience may also participate as tutoring repetition will be good skill brush up. The dogs who participated in the SWCDP Agility Demo will have first access to sign up . . . then open to the membership at large.
We can accommodate up to 18 dogs. We have slots for six students per class, 50 minute sessions for four Saturdays. Start times are 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00. We have factored in a rain date as well. Each dog must have a primary handler but if member has more household members who bring the dog to the dog park – we suggest having a secondary handler attend the class as well so that two humans will have the same handler skills and knowledge.
$60.00 for four sessions. Area agility tutoring fees average around $25 per hour – and more. SWCDP thanks our trainer, Betsy Boedeker, for giving SWCDP members a considerable discount. Additionally, Betsy is donating part of her training fee back to Southwest City Dog Park. In the past, we have used those funds for additional agility equipment or supplies – this year – because we had so many repairs we will use the funds to offset money already spent to bring our agility course back up to speed after being closed for over 18 months. Join us in thanking Betsy for her willingness to share her enthusiasm and agility knowledge with SWCDP members.
Your payment will be paid to SWCDP, via Paypal, and we will pay Betsy at session completion. Paypal will confirm your payment immediately. If your payment is accepted – that means you have secured a place on the tutoring roster. Your time slot and confirmation of class participation – along with class instructions – will be sent to you no later than September 21 – we need a little time to create the Master Schedule – just hold Saturday morning/early afternoon open until you hear from us.
No fee refunds. Because we have such limited tutoring slots – once you sign up and pay for your slot – it is your slot. This is a “package deal”. Meaning the $60 fee is for the slot, even if you do not attend all four sessions. We cannot refund fees once the training has begun because it will be too late to process a replacement. Each session provides important techniques and tips and joining the class after the sessions have begun would be detrimental to a newbie’s learning curve.