Today we introduce new and re-launched SWCDP member amenities. Just for you! But first, how about some updated stats?
*303 Returning households; 118 new households
Given the delay for season opening and the Covid-19 issues – we think 550 dog members after only 30 days into the 2020-2021 Season is pretty good. Welcome All.
What’s Your Name?
Ever wish you knew a person’s name or a dog’s name while at the dog park? In past years, we kept a hard copy roster on the message board – and at the time we thought that was a really nice amenity for our members. But – the roster was only updated monthly and members had to walk to the front to manually look up a name or photo. But now…..
Our new on-line Member Roster!
We have worked on this upgrade for a long time and are so excited to give our members a quick and easy way to identify dogs on our playground. All you need to do is be logged into our website (this is a members only feature). Go to our website:
Sign in (upper right corner) with same email address and password used for your SWCDP membership registration. Once logged in – go to the “Members Actions”
Menu and click the drop down menu named “Member Roster”.
No personal contact info will be published, only dog photo with name, SWCDP tag number, breed, and primary owner’s first name. The info is updated on ongoing basis so pulling this up on your cell phone or computer will give you the most current membership info. An easy way to get to know dogs and owners by name; an important tool for making sure everyone on playground are legitimate members; also, a very good tool when reporting an incident and needing a quick way to identify involved parties. We recommend keeping the Member Roster link handy so you can refer to it as needed.
We have two ways to memorialize 4-Legged members and members may use either or both, as they choose. Always optional, of course.
Rainbow Bridge Wall
Most SWCDP canine members agree that they want to stay at their dog park forever. In fact, some of the humans have to coax, bribe or carry them out the gate when time to go home. These phenomena coupled with the many friendships, human and canine, formed within our wonderful dog park community led to the creation of SWCDP Rainbow Bridge Wall.
When a SWCDP canine member leaves us for the Rainbow Bridge, their humans often like to add their dog’s tag to the SWCDP Rainbow Bridge Wall – as a memorial gesture – and as a representation of their dog’s wish to stay at SWCDP forever!
Qualifications and Directions for SWCDP Rainbow Bridge
Note: Do not use the SWCDP member dog tag because it only has a number ID, no dog name for memorial purposes
Rainbow Bridge Memorial Article
SWCDP has a dedicated page on our website for memorial articles – a place to have your dog’s photo and short story about their personality and what your dog meant to you. While you will carry your dog in your heart forever – this is a place to share with others some of the things that made your friend so special.
Our members may write their own memorial, following guidelines and instructions. SWCDP also offers a free service – we will conduct an interview via email so member may respond at their convenience – and we will write the memorial. Members to supply photos and enough info to help tell the story.
We offered this service for several years; already have quite a few memorials representing past members. We had to put this service on hold for a few years and are happy to bring it back in 2020.
The dog park blog was recently launched. This is the place where all major member emails will be located. Very handy if you need to refer back to an email about a specific topic or a sent date – you can do a search to find it quickly for easy reference. Everything in one place!
In future, we will write canine general or dog park specific articles on topics we think members may have interest in.
Hope you are enjoying the new season. See ya ‘round the playground.