With the cost of everything escalating . . . we are burdened with keeping the day-to-day needs – administrative, operational, repairs/maintenance – going as smoothly as possible.

But as things go – we have special projects that just cannot be kicked down the road any longer. We must get these projects completed and can only do so with financial help from our members as well as outside sources.


Help us raise funds to meet our $35,000 goal to complete 3 projects



SWCDP installed an access control system in 2019 to convert from a troublesome key pad entry to a fob entry for front gate. This was a large expense which we were able to do by being frugal and saving money from membership fees for a few years while we researched the market for best product/service for our needs. The installation has contributed to better access management including a daily report of membership access which is valuable when we have a question related to dog park activity. We recently discovered that the “Cradle Point” is very outdated and no longer serviceable. This means we are not using all the benefits of the system we are paying for. An upgraded cradle point, along with many hours of programming via Tech Electronics (our system contractor) and miscellaneous support items will be slightly over $5,000.

We need the new cradle point not only to use all the benefits of our system – but the upgrade will also support two other needs: 1) Irrigation system’s controller box was converted to electric in 2023 but control box currently can only be run manually. New cradle point will allow our turf volunteers to control our irrigation system via cell phone and save many special trips to the dog park – and our contractor will be able to monitor problems on line, saving unnecessary service calls. 2) New security camera system will also work in tandem with the upgraded cradle point. All these capital improvements will work together!


Factors driving security needs:

  • Theft, vandalism, trespassing – continuous and increasing
  • Incidents happen – but often difficult to know all the circumstances because with dogs . . . everything happens quickly. To review video of series of actions will help resolve any potential playground conflicts
  • 2024 phase to cover entry, Alternate & front area of Main play areas
  • SWCDP is a volunteer management group – we will never have on-site, daily management
  • Safety and security are always a top priority at SWCDP


We need to complete our multi-phase fence replacement in 2024. Phase 4 is the smallest and least expensive of all the phases and includes two sides of Alternate plus a service gate. Then we will need rock on both sides of new fence and Phase 3 fence to prevent contractors and City from banging into the fence with their mowers.

SWCDP fence history: The original fence (2006) was progressively deteriorating and SWCDP began replacing fence in 2019 in conjunction with upgrading from a keypad entry to our current fob system. We selected a sturdy and attractive aluminum for the front and heavy gauge chain link for the rest of the outer fence – converting from green to black; we upgraded from 5 ft to 6ft in efforts to cut down on folks jumping the fence. For such a large project – it has taken over 6 years – and SWCDP will have spent close to $80,000 by completion. Fence money came from member fees but it took frugal cash management and saving up over time for each addition. For Phase 2, Carrollton Bank advanced SWCDP $20,000 interest free loan to bridge the gap until our membership fees for the new year started to roll in. We paid them back early! Phase 4 is the first time SWCDP needs additional funding because we just have too many important things to get done in 2024. Membership fees are barely covering our regular operational costs.


Official Campaign Will Kick-Off Soon

But we already have a few donated bucks in reserve

But here is what you can do now

    • Join fundraising team to work on campaign, events, donation specifics
    • On behalf of SWCDP – approach your corporate or other external contacts to request donations
    • Send info to us regarding entities that have strong potential for donations, grants, etc
    • Mark your calendar for our big summer event – July 13

July 13 – Saturday

Our first 2024 social event – details still in the works
Event will be held in our Alternate Dog Park – and will include some of SWCDP member’s favorite dog activities, such as our “Find the Treats” course, Peanut Butter Licking Contest – and more! The fun is always free . . . just another SWCDP member amenity. But we will also use this event as our Kick-Off for our fundraising campaign – and will offer an assortment of ways members can either donate directly or support the campaign via different fundraising activities (raffles for example).


Fundraising Team – still working on:

— Develop and contact target list of external potential donors

— Develop donor recognition status

— Obtain high quality items for raffle etc

— Develop ongoing progress report for members and donors

— Update members as new info or needs become apparent

— Finalize various methods for payments, donations, etc

Southwest City Dog Park (SWCDP) is a 501 c3 organization (all volunteer)
All donations are tax deductible
If a letter for tax purposes is needed, please contact SWCDP Secretary at secretary.swdogpark@gmail.com