The Parks Department is having another planning meeting week of 6/15; Commissioner did not have any official opening date for us as of Friday – but said if Willmore Park did re-open soon – the park opening would not relieve SWCDP from the City’s Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. SWCDP must submit an operational plan regarding how we plan to abide by the City protocol. The Parks Dept will submit our plan to the City’s Health Department for review and approval.
PLEASE NOTE: The City’s Health Orders supersede the Governor’s order. Although SWCDP is responsible for all management and maintenance of our dog park – we must remember that we are using City property and we must follow all City laws, guidelines, and special protocols (Covid-19, for instance) before we implement any of our own rules unique to our dog park.
We are working on this safety plan now. SWCDP does not yet have an official re-opening of our dog park – but please know we are working very hard to make it happen. We are targeting July 1. This is not an official date and has not yet been approved. 7/1/20 is our goal but at this point – we have no idea how long the approval process between City Parks and Health Dept will be. Watch for emails with updates.
The Forestry Department has determined that the first large cottonwood tree in Main must be removed – it is at the end of its life cycle and has become a safety hazard. We are trying to get this done before we re-open. If that does not happen, we will close for a day or two on the date (s) that the City crew does the removal.
Hang in there. We are getting close. Happy Days are coming soon!